Thursday, July 29, 2010


Whilst looking at content on the National Geographic website for information to help me with a lesson on endangered species last term, I came across the term podcasting and until now didn't think much of it. Now though that it is of importance I went back to have a look and they say "Podcasting is a web-based broadcast medium that makes audio and video content available to download onto a computer or mobile device."  I found it very interesting and aslo thought it could be a very useful tool in the classroom to present information for assesment but also to aide in the transforming of information as it can be easily rewound and paused to allow for repetetive playback and through dicussion new areas can be broached through the consolidation of topis visited.

This was supposed to be a Podcast on a story that talked about the history of the Olympics.  Unfortunately i do not yet require the skills to effectively post it into my blog (if anyone can guide me through this process I would be grateful). However the story itself is a very interesting one that is engaging and can be used as a platform for learning in different areas to be explored

  •  a creative writing piece

  • a drama piece ( the children could act out the story)

  • a way to introduce the many cultures/countries in the world

  • shows how the world can come together peacefully through the Olympics 
There are many ways in which Podcasts could be used to scaffold a learning experience

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