Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You Tube

This is the YouTube clip I used as my engaging tool for SOSE. It is a Greenpeace advertisement about the Palm Oil in beauty products. It evokes emotion and the need to find out more about the issue. It was to be used in a year 7 setting to give the learners a perspective to the uses of Palm Oil and the sacrifices our environment undergoes to sustain the industry. I felt that even though the images are strong year 7 students need to understand and grasp the concepts that surround specific issues. The clip itself offers many opportunities to direct the learning including,
  1. the issue itself
  2. differing perspectives (as this is just one)
  3. the effects of deforestation
  4. the jobs the industry creates
  5. what other products contain Palm Oil
there are just so many...
students can engage with tools such as these to develop skills that will enable them to use higher order thinking and complex reasoning processes to decipher whether the knowledge presented is meaningful and can also encourage them to think outside their comfort zone and expand into global issues.
On a lighter note go to http://elearningwithbrooksta.wikispaces.com/ to see the YouTube video and the comments I posted on my wiki.


  1. Hi Brooke,

    I loved the You Tube that you have used for SOSE. We have all heard about Palm Oil being used for different reasons and you are right, it does make you want to know more. I can see how a Year 7 class would enjoy this and it really would evoke emotion. It sure did with me. Good work.

  2. Thanks for your comment Nat,

    I was a bit hesitant at first about using it, but after asking a few of the girls they agreed with me. In year seven they are starting to ask questions and need to be given a correct response so they have a greater understanding and can make better informed decisions about the choices they make. You can't sugar coat everything in life and sometimes reality is harsh. I'm glad it opened your eyes

