Tuesday, July 27, 2010


What a mammoth effort after 6 frustrating attempts (and a few choice words), I have finally been able to create a Voki to embed in my Blog. Now that I have succeeded in doing it I think it is a great tool to use in the classroom to aide the teacher in a number of different ways here are a couple
  • a fun way of introducing a lesson
  • positive feedback to the class for a job well done
  • creative delivery of a story
  • expert testimony for facts on a specific topic (guest speaker)
the list could go on depending on the level of creativity you and your students desire. with the number of different faces, animals, cartoons etc... to choose from the hours could easily escape oneself whilst trying to create the perfect voki... The only drawback I believe is (as I learnt the hard way) is you can't add IM language through the typing message choice, and as I have no access to a microphone the finished product is a bit monotonal... BBB boring!!!

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