Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My learning journey

Now here is something I am familiar with. I have used PowerPoint in some of my assignments previous to now. I witnessed my year 7 class create one last year to aide with a presentation they gave to their parents at culminating (a morning where parents are invited to the school to be shown all the activities etc.. they had engaged in during the previous unit). They each had to explain a specific part of the unit and each student had to create a slide that corresponded with what they were saying. I found the students to be really engaged and most of them had a great knowledge of how to use the program with transitions and picture placement etc. One student suffered ASD and couldn't speak in front of the parents so her turn carried on from a previous student's and with the help of other classmates and a teacher aide they made her slide completely visual and she was able to just hold up the actual pieces of work the slide represented. I found it a little intimidating that I really was of no use during the creation process except to aide with spelling errors and I have since explored PowerPoint at a greater depth.

This is the PowerPoint I submitted as a first year for our Arts assignment term 1. Until then I had never even opened the tool or really even heard of it.. so this was my first attempt, please be kind

1 comment:

  1. By the students in your year 7 class having the opportunity to present their new found knowledge through the use of PowerPoint they can all develop positive attitudes and perceptions towards learning. By allowing for a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks your learning manager is catering to the diversity of learners in the classroom (Marzano et al, 2006). Each student has been given the opportunity to create their own learning journey allowing them to select the knowledge they consider important.

    “Few would dispute that when students are highly engaged in tasks, they learn more” (Marzano et al, 2006, p. 31). By engaging the students with presentation software such as PowerPoint, Prezi or Ahead the learning manager caters for each individual students learning style as the kinaesthetic learners could present through actions and movement, the auditory students can present with music, audio or speech and the visual students can present through pictures and movies. By using presentations such as PowerPoint, Prezi or Ahead as the culminating activity each learner in your class will be presented as an individual as no two presentations will be alike.

    Marzano, R.J., & Pickering, D.J. with Arrendondo, D.E., Blackburn, G.J., Brandt, R.S., Moffett, C.A., Paynter, D.E., Pollock, J.E., Whisler, J.S., (2006). Dimensions of Learning. Heatherton, VIC, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.
